We are a new and growing congregation of the Free Church of Scotland. We subscribe to all of the mainstream Christian orthodox beliefs, and our vision is simply to worship God together and to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

We are A Bible Church:

In our worship we sing only the truths of the Bible, hear them read, explained, and applied to our lives in a sermon, and pray for God’s promises in the Bible to be fulfilled in our various circumstances.

A full summary of our teaching is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

We are A Gospel Church:

We have a passion for sharing and living the good news about Jesus Christ - the gospel. So, each Sunday you will hear this wonderful message explained from the Bible and applied to everyday life.

We are A Mission Church:

The gospel message is for everyone. Jesus commanded his church to ‘go and make disciples of all nations.’ We take that command seriously and seek to bring the gospel to every person in Stirling and the surrounding areas, and to the many international students at Stirling University. We also support missionaries working throughout the world.

We are A Contemporary Church:

We aim to work creatively to bring the good news about Jesus to bear on each generation, convinced that the timeless message of the gospel speaks to your life with up-to-the-minute relevance and power.

We are A Connected Church:

The Free Church of Scotland of which we are a part (https://freechurch.org/) expresses our connection in a Presbyterian system of local congregations, presbyteries and General Assembly, so that that we share a common vision, are able to offer support, and remain accountable to one another as members together of the Body of Christ, the church.

Stirling Free Church